Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00
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Employment Immigration


Choosing Right Advisor Can Save Million Dollars

Often, businesses can’t find the right people, and as this survey suggests, sometimes they just can’t find people at all,” said Bob Funk, CEO of Express, and a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

In some ways, this is good news. It suggests that more people are going back to work. But it also reaffirms a troubling trend: the mismatch between the skills people have and the skills employers need.”

You see plenty of stereotypical responses here, with immigrants holding down agricultural labor jobs on the West Coast and housekeeping and construction jobs across much of the South. There are also four states in which the most commonly held immigrant occupation is college professor, and in Delaware it’s software developer.


Our Process

1. Planning Jobs for Immigrants

There are additional careers available through different government agencies and private organizations.  It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. What’s not okay is to be intimidated into thinking that you don’t deserve the job you have been hired to do. Trust yourself enough to know that you are hired because of your qualifications. It’s not because they took pity on an immigrant.

2. Learn The Language

You’ve accomplished the papers, paid the fees, hired the right lawyers, and answered the questions at the immigration counter. Here’s the thing: how comfortable are you with speaking the language? It’s not about knowing the basics—the hi, hello, how are you, and how much is this? It’s about knowing how to communicate using that language.

3. First Job Blues

The fact that you’ve landed your first job in this new country already feels like a success. Many soon find that first jobs are as heartbreaking in the developed countries as in underdeveloped ones. While getting a job in this new land feels like an accomplishment, surviving it is the real test of character.

4. Gather More Information

Our immigration team is dedicated to working closely with you by taking the time to understand your particular situation to help you achieve the outcome you desire.

Reality for Working Immigrants

It’s not always easy to leave your homeland and seek greener pastures in a new land. Many citizens from underdeveloped and developing nations strive hard to go to Western nations, believing that these are the answer to their dreams. Of course, while many are well-prepared for the challenges of being an immigrant, a lot do not have the capacity and ability to adjust to this new life.




Our Legal Team at Tills Immigration Law prides themselves in guarding the client's information.

Legal Protection

A trusted legal team for 28 years honor your privay and follows ethics if the law.

We Take Care

A 4th generation lawyer; Stephen K. Tills and his legal team are working in your best interest.

Planning The Case

Hiring an attorney means adding legal fees to your immigration case, but often, avoiding mistakes can save money and time down the road – and prevent visa denials and even removal from the U.S. Many simple immigration cases can be handled without legal representation, but immigration cases are rarely simple.

Complexity of the application process

Careful analysis and expertise

Evaluate Situation

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File The Case To The Court

Gather More Information

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Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : (1)716-662-5080

Contact: stephen@tillsvisalaw.com Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

Firm’s Presentation

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Let us help you! Call Now : (1)716-662-5080

Contact: stephen@tillsvisalaw.com
·  Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

Immigration Law Team