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Immigration News

Latest Immigration News

DACA Declared Illegal*

Federal Judge, Likely Leaving Supreme Court To Decide

HOUSTON (AP) —   — A federal judge on Wednesday declared illegal a revised version of a federal policy that prevents the deportation of hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

The federal policy has prevented the deportation of hundreds of thousands of “Dreamers,” immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children. The judge’s ruling was ultimately expected to be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, sending the program’s fate before the high court for a third time. ~ published by JUAN A. LOZANO, AP

  *published by the Huffington Post




Our Philosophy

Stephen K. Tills  believes in the nature of law, especially in its relation to human values for his clients.   Stephen K. Tills has proven success (in obtaining waivers, etc.) through dedication and experience.


Our Principle

Stephen K. Tills is a pro-active immigration and visa strategist. Clients have been recipients of his caring manner. Anxious clients at put at ease with professional processes you need to  ensure a successfully entry into the United States.


Key Of Success

 Stephen K. Tills’ office is 10 minutes from  The Buffalo Federal Detention Facility located in Batavia (Genesee County), New York. His proximity is not the reason for his success. Tills is highly regarded by his peers. Results are what counts! 

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Why Clients Choose Us?

Dear Mr Tills;  [Testimonial]
We want to thank you for your assistance in trying to brings our Sister for Brazil. Sister Janice finally arrived. She is visiting her mother in New York and soon will join us in Buffalo.
God Bless you!
Sister Mary Neves and Sister Victoria.

I won my case! [Testimonial]

Stephen K. Tills was the last person on the list. I was glad I took the time to speak to his office staff. Consultation was free. Took a bit of the edge off. When meeting Stephen Tills, I could tell right away that he was genuinely concerned for me and knew the immigration law very well. He carefully stated the most likely outcome and was reciting the law with care to help me understand how it was going to go. I knew I had a chance– a good chance with a confident, well experienced lawyer. Not a glad hand lawyer at all. Very professional and vast knowledge in immigration law.

Dear Stephen, [Testimonial]
The application that I submitted in late January was approved by the USCIS last week, and my wife and I just received green cards today! I wanted to share this good news with you, and I also would like to thank you once again for all the assistance on my petition. I couldn’t have done it without you!
All the best,

Very good lawyer  [Testimonial from AVVO.com]


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a green card?

To apply for a Green Card, you must be eligible under one of various categories such as through family, employment, refugee asylum and more. Once you find the category that may fit your situation,you need to get information on eligibility requirements and how to apply.

What about Canadian /US border initiatives?

The Know Before You Go section of the US Customs and Border Protection website www.cbp.gov assists travelers in preparing for the process of crossing the border. Border crossing requirements have changed. For the latest updates, please click here.

How do I get counsel?

You can have someone represent you at your hearing. This person is your counsel.

What happens if I miss a deadline?

If you miss the deadline to file your appeal and you still want to do so, you must file an application for an extension of time.

What is meant by reopening a deportation or removal order?

When ICE believes you are unlawfully present in the United States, it starts a process now known as removal proceedings. They may be sometimes referred to as deportation proceedings. You will be served with a Notice To Appear (NTA) which is filed with the immigration court to start the process. The charges are outlined that believes makes you removable. Eventually, the immigration judge will determine whether you should be removed or allowed to stay. If the judge determines you should be removed or you do not attend your court date, a removal order will be issued against you. A motion to reopen a deportation or removal order seeks to stop your removal and bring the case back before the judge.

Why are some people detained and what happens after someone is detained?

A foreign national or permanent resident may be detained  if there are reasonable grounds to believe the person:

  • is unlikely to appear for an immigration appointment, hearing or removal;
  • is a danger to the public;
  • is being investigated on security grounds or for violating human or international rights, serious criminality, criminality or organized criminality
  • has not established her or his identity to the satisfaction of the CBSA (only applies to foreign nationals, not permanent residents)
  • is part of “irregular arrivals”. This designation is made by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

Why are there differences for claims made on or after December 15, 2012, and those made before?

Claims that were referred to the IRB before December 15, 2012 are now called legacy claims. Cases in which a considerable amount of evidence was heard prior to December 15, 2012 are referred to as “transitional claims” not “legacy claims.”

Our Team at Tills Immigration Law Practice

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Contact: stephen@tillsivsalaw.com
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